Our credentials speak for themselves. As you can see, Modern Expo & Events has long been associated with some of the best known and most well-respected organizations in the world. From large corporations with occasional event needs to organizations in retail, tourism, technology and transportation, the Modern team bridges industries and brands, scope of events (large and small) and global relationships that we can put to work for you.
Some of these experiences have been “one-off” events or expositions. Many more have been ongoing relationships forged over the years and through a variety of corporate events, consumer shows, trade shows or special events. Either way, our Modern team excels at creating high-level results for some of the biggest names in the business. Any business.
Either way, it stands to reason, and you can base it on the company we keep: If we can deliver for some of the biggest brands in the world, chances are, we’re going to bring the same energy, commitment, innovative thinking and overall success to you.